As a ghostwriter, the one thing that breaks my heart is to watch someone with a great story lower it to a plebian level by
- Writing it themselves when they aren’t writers, or don’t have time and passion to do it well
- Publishing an unedited—or poorly edited—manuscript
- Choosing a schlocky cover
You’ve wanted to write your book since forever but never seem to find the right time. Or, you have the time but just don’t like writing. Or, you’re not a good writer.
Hiring a Certified Ghostwriter to make your book dream a reality makes the process simple, secure, and confidential. You and your ghost agree to a schedule of interviews and a chapter-by-chapter process for creating each chapter and making corrections.
The solution to the problem
The problem is that many people want to buy small, cheap book packages that consign them to a specific amount of words, pages, or revisions. This usually means that you have one edit for corrections.
When you work with a Certified Ghostwriter, you get multiple edits for each chapter as well as a final edit of the entire manuscript. You have as much communication with your ghost as you need for questions, support, motivation. And you have a professional on your side that understands the book industry.
Have you ever read a book with multiple errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation? It’s so distracting!
Traditional publishing houses take their manuscripts through multiple edits because no one can catch every mistake. Edits come in three distinct flavors:
Development/content edit (also called ‘structural’ or ‘comprehensive’)
Looks at the flow of the entire piece in order to assure that information or action is organized in a logical way that keeps your reader reading. Sometimes chapter three ends up being chapter seven, and the story of your character’s escape from gangs or war is better told in chapter one rather than chapter five.
This crucial edit is done when your first draft is completed.
Line edit
Ever read a book you just couldn’t put down? It had a good line edit.
Even Stephen King gets them, and his work sure keeps you turning the page.
Line editing can make or break your book because it removes the redundant or weak wording that makes your reader stop reading or a literary agent dump your manuscript in the circular file.
Line edits tighten your writing so it pulls your reader along from moment to moment in fiction, or concept to concept in non-fiction.
This powerful edit comes after you’ve reorganized and rewritten your first draft (now your second draft) according to the structural edit, and are ready to bring out the dynamism, the magic, of your book.
Copy edit
Just as the name implies, this is the fine-toothed comb edit that looks at spelling, grammar, syntax (sentence structure), punctuation, and manuscript formatting. It’s also the edit that comes to mind when most people hear the word ‘edit’.
A good copy edit will also count as proofreading. Hire a copy editor who does not know you or your voice, and will look at your work with an objective, cold third-party eye. Family and friends usually care too much about you to do this well.
This essential edit should be done once you’ve completed the other edits and consider your book finished.
Cover Design
You probably already know that book covers are the gateway drug to book readers.
Without a good cover, your book risks dissuading potential readers from picking it up.
In these days of self-publishing, bad covers are a dime a dozen. But good, even great, covers are so affordable that the only person who should design their own is a graphic artist turned author. Otherwise, use places like 99designs to hire an artist who matches your vision or style.
Cover design won’t be an issue if a traditional publisher accepts your book. But if you use a hybrid or self-publishing path, please don’t cheapen your book—hire a good designer.
Book writing is like many other things—you get what you pay for.
If your budget limits how much you can spend, save some duckets by pairing with a collaborating writer for feedback and revisions. Join a writing group that will give you honest critiques. There are many online sites that offer reader-reviewed comments, and many have free subscriptions.
But if you’re a successful person, your book is intended to
- promote your business
- convey your experience
- explain your discoveries
- tell your story of success
Please don’t cheapen your book and your accomplishments. Invest in proven book writing professionals that give you the freedom to tell your story in its fullness, from start to finish.