Our fees are always transparent, and an easy monthly payment plan helps your full book project move steadily from start to finish:
Ghostwriting – Full manuscript
- Nonfiction $35,000 – $100,000
- Fiction $40,000 – $150,000
Book Proposal or Bestseller Strategy Plan (BSP)
- $15,000
Fiction – Synopsis only
- $3,500
Analysis & Recommendation
Based on the first 20-50 pages of your manuscript, the A&R will assess it for flow, tone, voice, strengths & weaknesses, and potential markets. Allow a 2-week turnaround.
- $1,800–$3,000
Message Platform Pack
- $5,500-$7,000
– Web Copy for Home, Sales, About, FAQ pages
– Email blast copy
– Back Cover copy
– Promotional postcard copy
- Determined by project materials
- $65/hr 9-12 ms pgs/hr
- Four 90-minute sessions per month $1000
- Eight 90-minute sessions per month $1900
Hourly rate
- $100/hr